Women’s Retreat


  • Bed linen all supplied.
  • Our nights are cold – pack accordingly. (Rooms have heating.)
  • Please bring your own towel.


  • Please check the menu on the registration form and complete the appropriate question if you have any special diet requirements
  • Breakfast is BYO. There are small fridges in each room.
  • We welcome donations of fruit for morning/afternoon tea.
  • A list of food donations you can bring, if you’re able, will be included with the program.
  • You are welcome to bring your own options for morning & afternoon tea and supper.
  • We will all need to pitch in and help with meals and some of  the clean up. Thank you in advance.


  • No fixed cost. Donations towards food, accommodation and program expenses are appreciated. 
  • Donate by cash (at the event) or by transfer to Barefoot Ministries BSB 805 050 Acc No 102711556


Enquiries welcome. Use contact details on image above.

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