About us

Barefoot Ministries

Barefoot Ministries, founded by Kym & Faye Kingdon, is based at Jacob’s Well Retreat in Murrayville, North-Western Victoria.

Kym & Faye are involved in local ministry, Christian retreats, supporting overseas missions and are available for speaking engagements.

Local Ministry

If you’re local or visiting our wonderful region you are welcome to join us at one of our regular meeting times or contact us to meet us at a mutually convenient time.

We meet at Jacob’s Well Retreat in the Chapel/Function Room at the following times:

Sundays at 10am, except for

  • Last Sunday of the month when we meet at 6pm followed by a shared meal.
  • First Sunday of the month we have no meeting

Wednesdays at 8pm for Bible Study/Discussion & Prayer.

This is an informal time where we share our questions and discoveries about living as a follower of Jesus.

Jacobs Well

Jacob's Well Retreat

Jacob’s Well Retreat is an Accommodation / Conference / Christian Ministry Centre suitable for Christian Retreats for all denominations.

It’s a perfect getaway for small church groups, family gatherings or the individual looking for space to get away and spend time with God. Equipped with self-catering kitchen, dining room, Chapel/Function Room and much more.

Jacob’s Well Retreat is also used by travellers and work groups just looking for a place to stay.

We have a fantastic venue for Christian Camp/Retreats and we are available to help organise your next retreat, be it for family, church, youth, men or  women’s ministries or just for you.

We are able to offer:

  • Cabin style accommodation for 42-50 people plus camping/ caravan facilities
  • Modern self-catering kitchen
  • Music –PA sound system and data projector
  • Ministry – Particularly in the areas of men’s ministry, women’s ministry, leading worship, Israel and being Church without Religion.
  • Prayer for individuals or small groups
  • Bible studies for small or large groups.

For more information please check out Jacob’s Well Retreat’s website  and contact us about how we can assist you.


Our Building Vision:

In faith we have obtained approval to build:

  • 3 self-contained cabins to add the one already established at the front of the property
  • A large, multi-purpose recreation building
  • Outdoor tennis/basketball court

If you would like to sow into these building projects, either financially or by volunteering your time and skills please go to our contact/donate page &/or email us for more information.

Our Beliefs and Values

At Barefoot Ministries our hearts desire is to be the church as God intended it to be. We are learning how to be disciples of Jesus and how to make disciples.

It is a whole lot more than “I believe in God” or even saying the sinner’s prayer. Being a Christian is about being a follower of Christ, not about church attendance and membership. There are many people attending church who are not truly born again and are at risk of never really stepping into the fullness of the true gospel.

The true gospel of Jesus is for us to FOLLOW Him, which means we must

  1. Recognise we are sinners and REPENT towards God
  2. Have FAITH in Jesus and be BAPTISED to Him in water
  3. Be baptised in the Spirit to receive THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

This is the spiritual rebirth that sets us free from our past and gives us the power to live for God. We should never, ever compromise on the gospel.

REPENTANCE is not everyone’s favourite word but it is essential that we recognize our sin and TURN back to God, forsaking our old ways.


  • Living a Christ-centred life
  • Being led by the Spirit
  • Responding to the Holy Spirit’s leading.
  • Believing the Bible is the final authority.
  • Learning to make new disciples
  • Boldly praying for others and seeing healing, deliverance and miracles as a result of prayer and laying on of hands.
  • Gathering together regularly to encourage and exhort one another and receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
  • Recognizing and growing in the spiritual gifts we have been given
  • Sharing the love of God with all people through our words and actions.
  • Reading God’s Word (The Bible), letting it transform the way we think.
  • Maintaining a close relationship with God through prayer.
  • Praying in the Spirit – using the supernatural prayer language God makes available to all believers.

Being the Church

It’s not about the building or a denomination or a meeting or a program! Church is the people, a movement of disciples, a way of life, a family and community. It is about being living proof that Jesus is alive and His power and love is at work through us!

Church is a whole lot simpler than what it has become.

Church is family meeting together, encouraging and helping each other as we learn to become disciples and make disciples.

It should not be passively sitting in a pew watching a select few use their gifts while yours never gets the chance to grow.

At Barefoot Ministries we believe that all Christians should be involved in sharing the gospel, bringing others to Christ and then helping them to immediately share the gospel themselves and boldly pray for others. We are still learning this ourselves but truly believe this is the way God’s Kingdom is meant to operate.

We believe:

  • In God, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit who created all things. He is eternal, holy and He is Love.
  • All people fall short of God’s perfection and so we all need forgiveness and a fresh start. (Romans 3: 23)
  • We can only receive that forgiveness and fresh start when we acknowledge that the only perfect man, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died in our place to take our punishment, and He rose again to show us He has power over all things, including death. (Romans 3:25, Colossians 1: 19-20)
  • We all need to repent of our wrong choices and rebellion against God and live according to His will for our lives. (Matthew 3:2)
  • All believers should be baptised in obedience to Jesus’ directions in Matthew 28: 19 and Peter’s in Acts 2:38
  • God gives the gift of His Holy Spirit to those who believe. The Holy Spirit enables us to sense God every day and provides us with the power we need to live lives that demonstrate the love of God for all people. (John 16: 13, Acts 1:8)
  • Both Heaven and Hell are real and our response to Jesus Christ determines our eternal destination. (Matthew254: 31-46)
  • Jesus is coming back again just as He promised and His coming will fulfil Biblical prophecy to the letter. (Acts1:11)
  • The Bible is the authoritative Word of God and it is applicable to our everyday lives. (2 Timothy3:16)
  • The Jewish people are still God’s chosen people and those who bless Israel will be blessed (Genesis 12:3)

Aussie Rise Up! Houghton SA

February 19, 2025
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