
NEWSLETTER – December 2018

November 26, 2018
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Greetings, to all our dear friends and supporters from Kym & Faye at Jacob’s Well Retreat! Our God is awesome and always working for the good of His people. We have been amazed at the connections and opportunities He has provided for us over the past 12 months. Too many to mention them all but…

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Do All Roads Lead To Heaven?

August 13, 2018
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There seem to be so many “pathways to God” out there. Everyone has an opinion and it seems we are no longer allowed to dispute someone else’s version of how the world fits together because that might cause offence….and heaven forbid if we should offend someone! There’s plenty of different religions to choose from, including…

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“Sell all that you have….. and come, follow Me.”

January 23, 2018
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Jesus doesn’t respond to questions and circumstances the way I would. Consider this encounter he had: Jesus Counsels the Rich Young Ruler  (Luke 18: 18 – 23) 18 Now a certain ruler asked Him, saying, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 19 So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No…

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The Power of Baptism

December 3, 2017
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I was baptised just over two weeks ago on the 11th November 2017 – Remembrance Day and wow – will I remember it! As I came up out of the water I felt & heard myself give a long, loud, groaning cry but it is quite hard to describe what was going on because it…

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October 26th – 29th Events

October 23, 2017
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DOES GOD CARE? Does He speak to ordinary people? Does He heal? Come and find out just how much He does at one of these events:   Thursday 26th October Patrick Winfrey, an American pastor who has been missioning in the Philippines will be visiting and sharing his gifts of prophecy, healing and discipling. Evening…

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October 9, 2017
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Everyone, of any age is welcome to our Youth BreakThru event on 28th October at Pinnaroo Institute. Believing for God to do great things.

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Not “The Late Jesus Christ”

October 9, 2017
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I just received this email from our friend in Uganda and have to share it. I love it! You can see more of Ps Fred’s work on our Missions page. Bless you Fred. Dear friends, Calvary greetings. Hope you are doing well. Just to remind you that Michael Jackson died few years ago and they…

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“The Nashville Statement” on Marriage.

September 15, 2017
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“Love hates all that is contrary to good. And since love itself is defined as an attribute of God Himself (cf. 1 John 4:8: God is love), anything that contradicts His teachings and commandments is unloving. Consistent with this definition of biblical love, those who promote homosexuality and transgenderism in the name of ‘love’ are actually…

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Speaking the Truth in Love

September 12, 2017
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  How do we carry ourselves through this marriage debate? That’s a question that has been popping into my mind many times over the past weeks. How do we participate? Do we just quietly fill in the voting form with a tick alongside “No” or do we robustly join the campaign? Are we really homophobic…

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Newsletter September 2017

September 8, 2017
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  Volume 1 / Issue 1 Welcome to the inaugural monthly newsletter of Barefoot Ministries. The aim of this newsletter is to keep our supporters & partners up to date with what we are doing and to make available the many relevant resources and information that we have access to. The name, Barefoot Ministries” reflects…

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