
Easter Saturday – Between Death and Life.

April 11, 2020
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What happened on Easter Saturday? Some say God was silent. There’s all sorts of theological discussion one can have about what happened between the cross and the empty grave……. But one thing we do know is that here on Easter Saturday, we can either look back or look forward. A day of choice. We can…

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In The Moment.

April 2, 2020
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Carrot Cutting Clarity! One evening recently, while preparing dinner, my mind was churning over a great list of things I hadn’t got done during that day, despite my best intentions. So I began mentally compiling my list for the next day, feeling the burden of all the things I needed to get done. I felt…

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2020 Blow the Shofar – Shalom Music Festival

January 28, 2020
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POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE 27th & 28th March Jacob’s Well Retreat, 27 Poole St Murrayville Victoria, 3512 Here at Barefoot Ministries we are busy putting together the next Shalom Music Festival, which is shaping up to be bigger and better. Many performers are returning and we have some exciting new names on the list. Admission:…

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“Time of our Joy”- Spring Gathering

October 1, 2019
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October 18th—20th 2019 Every year since God brought the Hebrew people out of Egypt they have celebrated “Sukkot,” most widely known as Feast of Tabernacles, or Feast of Shelters, to remember how God dwelt among them in tangible and miraculous ways as they wandered 40 years through the wilderness, living in tents. Also known as…

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Hope and Miracles in Uganda

August 26, 2019
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Come & hear Ps Fred’s story of hope and miracles in Uganda. Friday 30th August at 7.30pm Shared Supper to follow. And again on Sunday 1st September at 10am A love offering will be taken for Ps Fred’s work at each meeting. We will likely take Ps Fred & Raelene to the local football game…

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“Why Wouldn’t It Be God?”

July 26, 2019
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Sitting around our fireplace during the Spring of 2017, an American cowboy gave me a line that has stuck with me ever since, and it’s now displayed on our kitchen wall,  “Why wouldn’t it be God?” Immediately prior to these words, a group of us had sat in silence with hearts willing to commune with…

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Rise Up Men of God- Men’s Event

June 21, 2019
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9th – 11th August at Jacob’s Well Retreat, Murrayville, VIC. Here’s an event to equip, encourage and empower you to be the man God created you to be – wild, raw, honest, fired-up and in your purpose! Please register by Monday 5th August to assist with catering considerations. (Registrations will still be taken until Thursday…

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June Prayer & Praise Weekend

May 22, 2019
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Blow The Shofar – Shalom Music Festival

February 19, 2019
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Friday 5th & Saturday 6th April 2019, Jacob’s Well Retreat, Murrayville, VIC This Blog page will be used as a source of information regarding the festival. More information will be added as it becomes available. Feel free to use the form on our contacts page with any questions or call Kym on 0429 184 841…

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Inoculated Christians

December 11, 2018
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The World Needs Jesus There’s a lot of whinging and lamenting amongst Christians, especially older Christians, about what’s going on in our country and the Western world in general. We are aghast at what is being presented as truth to a generation that, because it does not know God,  is easily swallowing the lies spread…

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